Canby Herald article and Photos
The Digital copy of the Canby Herald article and photo’s Click here
Restoring the past for the future
Wilsonville Spokesman March 12 2014
Wilsonville businessman refurbishes historic building to serve as wedding chapel

The Digital copy from the Wilsonville Spokesman has more photo’s click here to see.
Wilsonville Spokesman
Music Together brings kids and parents closer
Written by Josh Kulla |
Wendy Reznicsek will lead Music Together instruction at Wilsonvilles Music Man Studios and at Hubbard Chapel .
Hey, new parents. Those off-kilter noises your new child is making? That’s probably music in progress. And Hubbard resident Wendy Reznicsek is hoping you’ll pay attention.
For those who do, Reznicsek is offering South Metro area residents the opportunity to take part in a new music program for babies, toddlers and children up to preschool age. Even better, parents or caregivers not only can take part in Music Together, an international program founded in 1987, their participation is an essential part of the curriculum.
By Brett Tallman
New owners of Hubbard Chapel to hold open house
- Published: 3/12/2013 5:16:02 PM
The new owners of the historic Hubbard Chapel are refreshing the 121-year-old building inside and out in preparation for an open house Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m.
The open house will feature local photographers, wedding planners, DJs, florists and pastors, and it will give the owners a chance to demonstrate what the Hubbard Chapel now offers to the surrounding community.
Hubbard Chapel is proud to provide updating news from around and about our local communities.
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Hear the bells ringing
For Free Tour
Contact Terrie directly: (503) 767-7700
Email: Hubbardchapel@gmail.com
To schedule a free tour or learn more sign up here